Results for "recette lentilles"
Confinement : nos recettes gourmandes !

Confinement : nos recettes gourmandes !

Fouillez dans vos placards et cuisinez des assiettes originales Voilà quelques jours que nous sommes en confinement ! En cette période un peu compliquée, il vous est peut-être plus facile de cuisiner, alors fouillez dans vos placards, vous allez pouvoir avec ces...

Green lentil veggie terrine “quick cooking

Green lentil veggie terrine “quick cooking

Discover this delicious recipe for green lentil terrine made with our "quick cooking" range. Serve cold or warm.  Ingredients for 6 people 250 g quick-cooking green lentils 150 ml fresh cream water 3 eggs 1 onion 1 vegetable bouillon cube 1 tsp. olive oil salt...

Express coral lentil wraps

Express coral lentil wraps

Une recette express de wraps de lentilles corail à tomber ! Cette délicieuse recette est facile et rapide à réaliser avec notre gamme cuisson rapide "8 minutes" et surtout sans gluten ! Elle peut s'accompagner de la garniture de votre choix. Alors à vos tests !...

The health benefits of legumes

The health benefits of legumes

Legumes belong to the Fabaceae family. They are the third largest family of flowering plants on the planet, with nearly 20,000 different species on every continent. They are defined as plants whose seeds are contained in pods and consist of :- Pulses such as dried...

Coral lentil croquettes with avocado dip

Coral lentil croquettes with avocado dip

A recipe for coral lentil croquettes to die for! Dipped in avocado dip, you won't be able to resist them. We chose an avocado dip, but the croquettes also go very well with hummus or a Greek yoghurt sauce. So get testing! Don't hesitate to give us your feedback....

Coral lentil blinis & spread

Coral lentil blinis & spread

Discover this recipe for coral lentil blinis & spread, ideal for aperitifs. Adapt to your favorite spread. Ingredients for twenty blinis 100 g coral lentils sabarot 20 cl water 1 tbsp olive oil Spice of your choice 1 jar of spread Sabarot Salt and pepper Recipe...

Korean Bibimbap with shiitake mushrooms

Korean Bibimbap with shiitake mushrooms

On the occasion of our collaboration with chef Pierre Sang, we offer you this recipe made with the Bibimbap blend. Composed of round rice, A.O.P. Lentilles Verte du Puy and red quinoa, you can then add your own flavors to suit the season. Today, we tested the mix with...

Coral lentil salad with colorful vegetables

Coral lentil salad with colorful vegetables

An explosion of color and flavor with our delicious Coral Lentil Salad with colorful vegetables. Coral lentils, rich in essential nutrients, are enhanced by a touch of crunchy vegetables and generously seasoned. Ingredients for 4 people : 200 g of Quick-cook" coral...

Beluga lentil, avocado, cabbage and feta salad

Beluga lentil, avocado, cabbage and feta salad

Dive into a delicious culinary adventure with our recipe for Beluga Lentil, Avocado, Cabbage and Feta Salad. Beluga lentils, rich in flavor, blend harmoniously with the crunch of cabbage and the sweetness of feta. An irresistible combination that will make you melt...

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