Results for "recette pop"
Amaranth, morel and green vegetable waffles

Amaranth, morel and green vegetable waffles

DISCOVER THIS RECIPE OF PRINTANIÈRE AMARANTE GAUFRES, IDEAL FOR SHARING AMONG FRIENDS! Ingredients for 4 people 60 g Sabarot amaranth 10 g dried Sabarot dried morels 1 bunch asparagus 100 g fresh goat's cheese 2 eggs 90 g wheat flour 20 g butter 1/2 sachet yeast 250 g...

Our products

sabarot Wassner presents its range of pulses, cereals, seeds, mushrooms, red fruits and snails as well as delicatessen and premium products. Check out the details of our range and the various packaging available in our catalogue.    You are a...


sabarot improves your everyday dietDelicious, healthy, natural products.Lentils, Beans, Mogette of Vendée, Green Flageolet, Split peas, ChickpeasQuinoa, Rice, Oat flakes, Pearl barley, Kasha, Couscous pearls, Bulgur, Popcorn corn, Spelled, Fregola Sarda, Wheat,...

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Our partner blogs Find here the talented bloggers in partnership with Sabarot! Cuisine Solo Les Plaisirs de Céline – Choupette Passions La p'tite cuisine de Pauline Mel's way of life Diet & Délices Fourchettes et Pinceaux Lolibox Au Palmarès de la Gourmandise Les...

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