Results for "recette quinoa"
Sweet pancakes with quinoa, apples and maple syrup

Sweet pancakes with quinoa, apples and maple syrup

For Chandeleur, discover this recipe for sweet quinoa pancakes. Ideal for garnishing your snacks and desserts with the topping of your choice! Ingredients for 4 people (about ten pancakes) 125 g quinoa 250 g milk of your choice 3 whole eggs 20 g sugar 35 g neutral oil...

Pumpkin stuffed with quinoa, chanterelles and chestnuts

Pumpkin stuffed with quinoa, chanterelles and chestnuts

DISCOVER THIS RECIPE FOR PUMPKIN STUFFED WITH QUINOA, CHANTERELLES AND CHESTNUTSIngredients for 6 people 150 g Sabarot quinoa 1 jar 185 g Sabarot chanterelles 1 pumpkin 100 g chestnuts in a jar 100 ml liquid crème fraîche 1 tbsp. olive oil 10 g butter 1 garlic clove...

Quinoa trio salad with summer vegetables

Quinoa trio salad with summer vegetables

Here's a recipe for a salad with quinoa and summer vegetables. As quick to prepare as rice and pasta! A starter that's just "so delicious" when enhanced with CAUVIN garlic and parsley olive oil! Ingredients for 2 persons : 100 g Quinoa Trio 1/2 zucchini, diced 2...

Confinement : nos recettes gourmandes !

Confinement : nos recettes gourmandes !

Fouillez dans vos placards et cuisinez des assiettes originales Voilà quelques jours que nous sommes en confinement ! En cette période un peu compliquée, il vous est peut-être plus facile de cuisiner, alors fouillez dans vos placards, vous allez pouvoir avec ces...

Maki with rice and two quinoa, avocado and cucumber

Print Ingredients 200g (7 oz) of rice and two quinoa 220g of water 10cl of rice vinegar Nori sheets ½ avocado ½ cucumber Soy sauce Directions 1. Put the rice and two quinoa and water in a saucepan, bring to a boil, lower the heat and cover. Cook for 10...

Quinoa and bulgur risotto with marinated mushrooms

Quinoa and bulgur risotto with marinated mushrooms

Print Ingredients 250g (8.8 oz) quinoa and bulgur mixture 150g (5.3 oz) mushrooms of your wish (here, button mushrooms) 1 red onion Tomato sauce (Sweet or salty) soy sauce 1 vegetable stock cube Paprika Directions 1. Quinoa bulgur cooked in risotto...

Our History

Our History

A Rich and Long HistoryIn 1819, Jean-Pierre Sabarot settled in the Haute-Loire. He bought a mill there, founding the Sabarot company. At first, the company was devoted solely to the manufacture and sale of bed linen. Jean-Pierre Sabarot soon diversified into the...

Korean Bibimbap with shiitake mushrooms

Korean Bibimbap with shiitake mushrooms

On the occasion of our collaboration with chef Pierre Sang, we offer you this recipe made with the Bibimbap blend. Composed of round rice, A.O.P. Lentilles Verte du Puy and red quinoa, you can then add your own flavors to suit the season. Today, we tested the mix with...

Forest meatballs with chanterelle mushrooms

Forest meatballs with chanterelle mushrooms

Discover this recipe for forest dumplings with chanterelle mushrooms. Adapt it to your favorite mushroom! Ingredients for 4 people 1 onion 2 garlic cloves 2 jars of Sabarot chanterelles Leaves of 1/2 bunch parsley 60 g breadcrumbs 50 g Parmesan cheese 1 tbsp smoked...

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