Our commitments

a company with a mission
with strong commitments

In 2020, Sabarot becameone of France’s leading mission-driven companies and its commitments remain those rooted in its DNA since its creation: to offer good, healthy and natural productsWe are committed to supporting the food transition, promoting the well-being of our employees, supporting local cultural heritage, protecting the environment and encouraging sustainable agriculture.

Strong local roots

Since 1819, Sabarot has been evolving in the heart of the Velay region where it was born. Located in Haute-LoireThis region is home to volcanic soil and a unique climate, giving the cereals and pulses that grow here exceptional taste and nutritional qualities. Sabarot contributes to boosting the local economic fabric through close exchanges with local suppliers and service providers.

A mission

“Good, Healthy, Natural” products

CSR Report

To consult our CSR report, click here.

A mission enshrined in the company’s articles of association

The commitments that drive Sabarot, a company with a mission labeled PME+, are part of its DNA and have been cultivated for over 200 years. Since 2015, the CSR strategy has enabled us to formalize our commitments and track their progress. This strategy continues to progress and is based on 4 pillars.

#1 Perennity

Sabarot wishes to maintain local rootsby maintaining at least 50% of its capital in the capital in the family which has run the company for 200 years, as well as keeping its head office in the Velay region. The company boosts the local economic fabric through the development of its agriculture and its close exchanges with local suppliers (raw materials, packaging, various service providers, etc.).

Its attractiveness in terms of employment is also an asset to its development. Sabarot is constantly striving to improve its management of occupational health and safety, as well as employee well-being. This positive image is constantly attracting new talent.

#2 The food transition

Sabarot supports this transition by encouraging people to incorporating plant proteins into the diet to make it more sustainable.

Pulses and cereals are the basis of a new culinary tradition that the company aims to democratize. democratize. Celle-ci se veut plus facile, plus joyeuse, plus respectueuse. In particular, Sabarot is one of European leaders in IQF (Individually Quick Frozen) technology. Les légumes secs et céréales sont précuits et surgelés. Ainsi prêts à l’emploi, ils peuvent alors être incorporés directement dans les plats préparés tels que les taboulés, salades, purées de légumineuses, poêlées, etc.

Sabarot also offers innovations such as a range of rapid cooking” range and preparations for vegetable patties and dahls, ready in just 8 minutes ready in just a few minutes. The aim is to constantly innovate in order to the needs of today’s consumers. Democratization also requires daily communication about plant proteins through tips, recipe ideas, product information relayed via social networks, presentations in schools, participation in culinary events, collaboration with top chefs or influencers, etc.

#3 Preserving the environment and supporting regional and cultural heritage

Sabarot is committed to preserve the environment in every possible way. This includes specific waste management, the gradual adoption of 100% recyclable packaging, the installation of photovoltaic panels for self-consumption, the choice of low-consumption equipment, regular internal audits, support for farmers in the move towards sustainable agriculture, and so on. The list of actions undertaken by the company, which has been awarded the PME+ label, is a long one, and its desire to progress is ever-present.

By preserving the environment and minimizing the carbon footprint of its activities, Sabarot is aiming for carbon neutrality by 2040.

Highly involved in local life, the company is a patron of several major events such as Le Puy Lumières and the Festival de la Chaise Dieu, and a partner of numerous sporting and cultural events in the region.

#4 The best products

In June 2020, Sabarot adopted the status of a company with a mission, demonstrating its ambition to be a company committed to good, healthy and natural products. good, healthy and natural products. To achieve its mission, the company has drawn up a 10-year plan. Sabarot propose des produits toujours plus healthy (wild, preservative-free, organic or labelled) and easy to cook. Pour cela, ses équipes s’engagent à dénicher les meilleures graines et produits issus de la cueillette en privilégiant les approvisionnements locaux ou d’origine France.

Sabarot has always forged solid upstream solid partnerships with producers in order to secure its supplies in terms of both volume and quality. On the lookout for new trends and alternatives, the company has introduced to its range freekeh, a green wheat cousin of bulgur widely used in the East, farro, an ancient wheat from Italy, fregola sarda and kasha, hulled buckwheat. There’s also Petit Épeautre du Velay and Orge Perlé d’Auvergne, two locally-built products.

Sabarot is no longer just a collector and packer .he company is also involved in the development of local agricultural sectors.

CSR Report

To consult our CSR report, click here